Ya'll! I just finished an AWESOME project with my 4th graders. I was BLOWN AWAY by their creations for our I Feel Teal Project. (Click the picture to get the book!)
I Feel Teal is an adorable book about how different colors can represent different moods. There aren't many words, but the illustrations really help tell the story of a little girl going through her day and all of the feelings and emotions that a person can feel from minute to minute.
After reading both this book and "The Many Colors of Harpreet Singh" (which would also work well for the same project!) each student group was assigned a page/ color. Students had 4 main tasks:1. Decide what mood their color/ page represented and how that would translate musically (tempo, dynamics, etc.)
2. Write a little more about their mood- Students could choose between writing a paragraph, a poem, or creating lyrics for step 3.
3. Create a song to go with their page- as if we are creating a soundtrack for the book. Students used either Chrome Music Lab song maker, beepbox, groove pizza, mario paint composer, classroom instruments or even a combo!
4. Find an existing favorite song to match their mood. We wanted a playlist of awesome songs that really embody different emotions and I loved all their answers!
While many of the pictures were fairly clear cut in the mood they portrayed, I thought it was really interesting that when groups chose the same color the moods they came up with were sometimes different- yet still both well thought out answers.
For example:
One teal group said that a teal song would be "Bored, Slow, and Quiet" and created this song: Teal- Bored
The other teal group said a teal song song would be "calm, medium slow, and mezzo piano" and created this song: Teal - Calm
I think both songs are great in their own way, and both match the picture. I LOVED that they had different interpretations of the picture!
Overall, there were so many creative groups! Some of my other favorite creations are below. I did not share any of the awesome video submissions I got- but there were some groups who went above and beyond and made movement routines to go with their work or divided up the lyrics of their songs so there were solos and instrument parts included.
After everything was turned in, I created a slide show with student paragraphs/ poems and QR codes to each groups song/ video performance and hung them in the hallway. Teachers were then able to hear the awesome creations. I played creations for younger classes as well. I loved this project so much, I decided I will be saving the slide show as a book to use as an example in future years.
Grey - Two girls who created 2 separate songs, and then combined them into 1.
Grey - Chill
Our mood is chill and apprehensive. The song we created is slow piano. The volume is soft. We tried to create a very relaxing piece.
Golden - A group of girls who went all out with their slide. I love the rhythm of this one.
Golden Warmy ShadeYellow is so mellow, it makes me feel like jello.Red/ Orange - This group was 4 boys who really love the Beastie Boys :)
I am mad like a storm, raining hail that destroys cars.I am mad and bad and this song is very rad.
Blue- This was a group of 4 awesome musical girls.
I’m Feelin’ Blue, I Don’t Know what to do
I feel depressed, Oh my gosh I’m so stressed
Because you left me, Because you left me
I never thought friendship would end, But Listen.
But Listen.
I feel depressed, Oh my gosh I’m so stressed
(This video is me singing because they wanted me to share their work, but didn't want me to share the video they made.)